Rotary Club of Pride Mau - Rotary India


Total Services 35
Regular Meeting

Regular meeting held to discuss on Netra Kumbh at Prayagraaj

Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting to discuss projects in February

Regular Meeting

Club Regular meeting held to discuss future projects.

Fellowship Meeting

Fellowship Dinner meeting held to declare name of president and sec. . .

BOD Meeting

BOD meeting held to discuss on election of president and secretary . . .

Regular meeting

Regular Meeting held for budget and club election for year 2026-27

Regular meeting

Regular Meeting held to discuss projects in December

Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting for December project

Regular Meeting

Regular meeting for New year celebration and participation in Dist . . .

BOD Meeting

BOD meeting held to discuss project for November and December

Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting held to discuss projects in future

Club Assembly Deepawali Milan

Deepawali Milan celebrated with members with family and Retractors

Regular Meeting

Regular meeting held to discuss upcoming projects and attendance in. . .

Regular Meeting

Regular meeting to discuss on Health check up camp, blood donation. . .

Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting to discuss on Health Awareness Camp at KGABV Mohmma. . .

Participation in New Members Orientation Programme

Members participated in New Member Orientation Programme at Prayagr. . .

BOD Meeting

BOD meeting held

Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting held to discuss on Kasturba Schools competition pro. . .

Fellowship Meeting

Fellowship meeting held at Fine Dine Restaurant, Chief Guest was D. . .

Regular Meeting

Regular meeting held to discuss on workshop on Career guidance and . . .